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Master Thesis (2019)
Theme : Gender identity

Subject : Is the future non-binary ?

Direction Artistique

Gender identity is a field that has been deeply studied for years now, on a psychological and social angle. But for me gender identity is before anything else stories, feelings, and life experiences.

That is why I decided to built my thesis in seven chapters, each one beginning with a fictional story (and inspired by real history). Those stories are sections of daily lives, and each character performs a different gender identity.
Then comes a more theorical section, explaining the basics of constructivism feminism. In order to do that, I worked on comparing and putting together researches made by many writers in the university field of gender theory, such as Judith Butler.


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I also created character designs to represent each of my fictional characters to illustrate my stories.
Those portraits are placed at the beggining of each chapter.

I really enjoyed studying this for a year, as well as designing the object itself.
I am aware that my thesis only scratches the surface of what gender theory really is. But I hope that the few readers of Beautiful Identities will acquire the same curiosity for this subject than I has.

Click here to download a .pdf file of
Beautiful Identities